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How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? – 9 Habits That May Help

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
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Although dandruff does not indicate a serious health issue, it makes you feel annoying and embarrassing. The itching and white flake make you crazy. You are looking for treatments about how to get rid of dandruff. There are tons of methods to get rid of dandruff naturally or using shampoo to remove dandruff quickly. You wonder whether they are effective or not. Dive into our blog post to check them out.

Change Your Shampoo 

Daily scalp washing with over-the-counter (OTC) shampoos is the best way to get rid of dandruff fast. You should consider shampoos that contain coal tar, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, and so on. Wash all affected areas in the scalp, ears with antidandruff shampoos. You know that getting rid of dandruff permanently is impossible, but you can lessen the risk of the scalp issue. Shampoo your human hair twice a week is enough. 

You need time and tests to find the right product. So making mistakes are not evitable. Sometimes alternating three or more product types may help you reduce severe dandruff. 

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
use anti-dandruff shampoo

There are too many different antidandruff shampoos out of there, you find a little bit overwhelmed. Don’t know which to choose, consult your doctor or dermatologist for advice. To get the scalp issue under control, use a special shampoo when washing. And the frequency depends on each type of shampoo. Once the problem is under control, you can wash the hair occasionally to maintain a good result. 

Your child is also at risk of dandruff as they have sensitive and delicate skin. If you see dry and flaky skin on their heads, it is the sign of baby dandruff. To treat baby dandruff, you should use gentle and baby-friendly shampoos. Mild dandruff shampoo can easily wash flake out.

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Use Lemon Juice

How to get rid of dandruff in one wash with lemon juice? For this home remedy, you will need a full lemon, sea salt, a spray bottle, and hot water. Cut the lemon into four halves and squeeze out the juice into a bowl. Make sure to squeeze out all of the juice with your hands or use a lemon squeezer. Add two full teaspoons of sea salt and mix thoroughly. Carefully deposit the mixture to the spray bottle. Then add hot water to the bottle and give it a good shake. If you are sensitive to the lemon juice, you can add more water.

You spray the mixture on your entire scalp and make sure your scalp is completely wet from the remedy. Cover all the areas. Use your hand to massage the remedy into the scalp until you are sure that your scalp is soaked up the entire juice. Once you have done, tie your tresses into a bun. Spray the excess lemon water and wait for at least 30 minutes to one hour. Then wash your hair with normal shampoo and conditioner as you always do. Twice a week is enough.

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
lemon juice can treat dandruff

There are many reasons why you should use the remedy for getting rid of extreme dandruff. Lemon contains vitamin C and citric acid which fight against fungus. It also moisturizes the scalp and helps in the shedding of dead skin cells. The acidic property of lemon balances the scalp’s pH level and is healing property reduces irritation and itching. Besides, sea salt contains minerals loosening and removing existing flakes. It also stimulates circulation for a healthy scalp and absorbs excessive oil. The minerals reduce and even permanently get rid of dandruff. 

Moisturize The Scalp

How to get rid of dandruff for good? Dry scalp is a cause of dandruff, it tends to flake and itch. Applying moisturizer and restoring moisture to the skin can help with itchiness. You should apply this way in African American hair as this type of hair is thirsty. We can say that this treatment is a good way to get rid of dry scalp and dandruff. The best moisturizer contains natural plant oils like coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil or aloe vera, etc. 

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
moisturize your dry scalp

For instance, coconut oil has antibacterial properties and keeps moisture well, making it great for fighting dryness. How to apply the oil:

Apply enough amount of melted oil directly to your scalp, then massage it so that it absorbs into the skin. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes before you rinse the hair. Not only will this help with dry scalp, naturally get rid of dandruff, it will also offer your silky and smooth tresses.

Practice Hygiene and Limit Scratching 

You want to get rid of dandruff in one day, washing hair carefully and do not scratch your skin, helping with dandruff symptoms. Try not to think about scratching. It is so itchy, we know, but scratching will exacerbate irritation. The itchiness is caused by the irritation from dandruff and scratching increases the irritation. 

Note: Bear in mind that too many products also irritate your scalp, leading to a more uncomfortable feeling. Please eliminate your bad habits. We suggest doing a gentle massage only to protect your natural tresses. Also, limit using gels, hairsprays or other products that make the issue become worse. 

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
limit scratching your skin

Take Aspirin

Treating dandruff with aspirin at home is a simple and economical way. Not only used to relieve pain, aspirin is also an effective remedy for hair problems. Specifically, it treats dandruff and hair fall. 

Aspirin contains chemicals related to salicylic acid – an active component of willow extract. The acid is an effective anti-dandruff component often found in the ingredients of anti-dandruff shampoos on the market. When applied onto the scalp and hair, aspirin will get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp by blocking and destroying the bacteria, fungi that cause the scalp issue.  

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
salicylic acid in aspirin helps remove dandruff

Limit Stress

It is a flawless way to remove dandruff without shampoo and washing hair. Stress is believed to affect both physical health and mental health. Some studies show indicate that stress aggravates or even worsens the scalp condition. Stress can irritate the scalp increase sebum, this makes Malassezia – a type of fungus have conditions to grow. It leads to massive dandruff. Also, stress weakens your immune system that can be a cause of the scalp issue. Why? A weakened immune system may lessen your body’s ability to fight off some skin conditions and the fungal infections that cause dandruff.    

Keep your stress levels under control by practicing some stress reduction techniques. You can take medication, aromatherapy, yoga, and so on. 

Change The Diet 

Some researchers believe that an unhealthy diet that high in sugar level and low in vitamins contribute to causing dandruff on the scalp. A potential way to treat the skin condition is to adopt a healthy and balanced diet. It means that you should cut out sugar, carbohydrates and eat more fruits, vegetables at the same time. 

There are scientific studies show the link between a bad diet with dandruff. However, change your eating habits will improve your health and reduce the amount of bad dandruff on the scalp. 

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff? - 9 Habits That May Help
apple cider vinegar

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

How to get rid of dandruff home remedies? Historically, apple cider vinegar has been useful with plenty of health benefits. It is often used as a good treatment to get rid of dandruff flakes. The acidity of the vinegar helps stimulate remove dead skin cells on the skin. Many people said that apple cider vinegar can balance the pH of the skin, lessening the growth of fungus and fighting dandruff. The vinegar is considered as a base for many hair products. 

If you give apple cider vinegar a try, combine it with your shampoo or other essential oils. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the hair product and spray the mixture directly onto the hair and scalp. How long does it take to get rid of dandruff? Leave it about 10 minutes then rinsing with water. Repeat this way twice time per week and you can notice clear results after a few weeks.  

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Exfoliate The Scalp

This is a thing to get rid of dandruff instantly. Like exfoliating your skin, you should try exfoliating your scalp gently. It helps lift all dead skin cells and oil buildup. Scalp exfoliators contain small amounts of salicylic acid or dissolved granules. It is very helpful at breaking down dandruff on the scalp and lead to flaking. 

The Bottom Line

Although dandruff is a frustrating problem, there are a variety of available remedies. We hope that our sharing about how to get rid of dandruff can help you somehow. If you start spotting white flakes, give a few of these treatments a try. Use anti-dandruff shampoos on their own or pair them with other natural remedies to maximize the effectiveness. 

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