Beautiful hair is a dream of everyone when we have strong and thick hair. However, because of many causes, the hair is thin and easy to fall. That is the reason why the amount of people experiencing hair loss is increasing. Today, Lewigs would like to answer the question “what are the most important factors influencing hair growth?” to help you know some common elements that affect your hair growth daily.
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Do You Know What Are The Most Important Factors Influencing Hair Growth? – Genetics
Do you know that the length, colour, volume and strength of each hair strand are all affected by your genes? Genetics plays an important role in influencing the hair growth cycle. If you belong to people with the genetic baldness gene, you will see slow hair growth or sparse hair, even regular hair loss. You need to put in extra effort to prevent thinning hair and enhance its growth.
Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal problems such as thyroid disease or male/female hormone imbalance can cause thin hair and hair loss. For more details, abnormalities in thyroid hormone production can also harm hair. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect hair growth because they affect your body’s function and metabolism, thereby causing thinning hair, slow growth, and hair loss. Besides, with the male hormone alopecia, you may experience patchy hair loss or, most commonly, alopecia areata. Furthermore, if the endocrine system is disturbed in postpartum women, perimenopause or menopause, the hair germ cells will not function properly: slow hair growth, weak hair, more hair loss, etc.
If your hair situation is related to hormonal imbalance, it is essential to see the doctor to find the solution quickly.

Among the most important factors influencing hair growth, we cannot skip the diet. Many studies show the relation between nutrient deficiency and hair loss/ thin hair. Not enough meals, lack of substances, metabolic disorders, etc. are the reasons for uneven hair growth or regular hair fall due to nutrient deficiency. According to the statistics, most people who eliminate protein in their daily diet will face a greater risk of hair loss and thinning hair. The reason is that 80% of the hair fibre is keratin (a form of protein), so if the body does not get enough protein, it will affect the process of hair growth, making weak hair, slower hair growth and split ends. Moreover, the body’s lack of fat can reduce the hair moisture or the protection ability of the scalp, leading to hair loss and thinning. Besides, slow hair growth has also been noted as a result of iron deficiency.
Therefore, to boost more new hair and to maintain strong, healthy hair as well, it is essential to keep a healthy diet. Remember to take enough nutrients everyday, including vitamins, minerals, protein and fatty acids. For example, you can get these nutrients from eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. Try to avoid unhealthy food such as fast food, food rich in processed sugar, food with high levels of mercury, etc. It is important to take enough, not too much. For example, your body and your hair need vitamin A, but vitamin A excess can lead to hair loss. Moreover, do not forget to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated, including your scalp and hair to prevent dryness.
Stress And Anxiety
Stress is unavoidable in modern life when we have to work and study a lot. Being too stressed is harmful to your whole body and also your hair. According to many studies, any type of physical or psychological stress is one of the most important factors influencing hair growth. Stress causes Telogen Effluvium which causes your hair to enter the Telogen phase (Resting Phase) early, limiting hair growth by 30%. It badly affects the hair growth cycle and causes hair loss, leading to hair growth significantly slower.
If you are suffering from stress, it is necessary to control it early. Let’s spend time relaxing by doing your hobbies. In some cases, scalp massage is an effective way to relieve stress. Moreover, massaging your scalp can boost the blood circulation on your scalp, contributing to enhancing new hair. If your stress condition lasts long, you should ask the doctor for help.

Illness And Medications
Normally, hair takes time to complete its life cycle: growing, resting, and then falling out to be replaced by new hair. However, for someone with a serious illness like pneumonia or cancer, the hair follicles go into a resting phase early.
People who have to take common medications such as blood thinners, antidepressants, and beta-blockers can experience some side effects, including hair loss and slow new hair.
You can talk to your doctor about the hair problems due to illness and medications. If you cannot stop using medications, you can try simple ways to improve hair condition: healthy diet, good hair care routine, stress under control, etc.
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Hairstyling Tools
Different braids, braids, and straightenings can put stress on the hair shaft, leading to hair loss. The same effect comes from frequent blow-drying, or chemicals when styling hair. Chemically treated hair is more porous than untreated hair, leading to a gradual loss of protein and eventual breakage. In this case, your scalp is prone to dryness and does not provide moisture to the hair follicles, leading to dryness and slow hair growth. In serious cases, you may experience scalp diseases that can lead to permanent hair loss.

It is better to let your hair dry naturally after washing. In case you need to use blow-drying or other hairstyling tools, remember to apply a heat protectant before. In addition, choose the high-quality products carefully. When there are signs of hair damage, you should temporarily stop using chemical substances on your hair to reduce breakage and dry hair. It is essential to use specialized products to restore hair effectively such as hair masks, essential oils, etc.
Hopefully, you know what are the most important factors influencing hair growth and you can find the solution to boost your hair growth quickly. The secret for beautiful hair is very simple, coming from your daily care for your whole body and your hair. Do not hesitate to leave us any questions or comments about this article.