Your hair is starting to lose in your hairline, it can cause worry. Even, when you see a spiral hair cowlick area at your crown, you wonder whether you are balding. It is quite hard to tell apart between cowlick vs balding.
In the article, you will learn about cowlick hair and whether it is a sign of baldness. We also discuss more common signs of balding thinning hair in order to help you determine whether you have a cowlick or balding thin hair.
Table of Contents
Differences between cowlick vs balding
Cowlick hair
A cowlick is an area of natural hair that runs in the opposite direction than the rest of the hair. It can appear in both men and women. Its trademarks are spiral or swirl patterns. You often see it on the crown of the head, sometimes it is located in the middle of the forehead, front or back hairline of the head. This is natural and not too worried about it. And remember that the longer your hair is, the harder a cowlick can be detected.

Many said that this hair section is stubborn and quite hard to style. They have to use styling products to tame and hold the hair in the right place. Rather than getting the hair grows naturally, you can look for a haircut or tips to control this hair area. The most simple way is using water to wet hair and brush the hair until it locates in your desired look. You can ask the barber to cut short hair, messy and spiky hair, or a slick back hairstyle to hide a cowlick. For women, you have to use a gel or spray to tame it. Because most of these tips are not permanent, you should do it as a regular hair care habit.
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Just like a cowlick, baldness can appear in everyone. When you get baldness, the hairline will lose a lot and in the long run, you may become entirely bald. It’s horrible!
Baldness is caused by different factors, genetics, hair care habit, or unhealthy diets, etc. For instance, if your dad or mom is bald, a high risk you will suffer from it too.
The most common and efficient way to know whether you go bald is to see your doctor. The expert will help you check your hair health, which in turn will help them conclude whether you are balding.
Cowlick or balding crown, you should check out this hair section with the rest of your mane. Because baldness tends to affect the hair surrounding. If your hair loses a lot and gets thinner and thinner, it may a sign of hair loss and baldness.

Other signs of early balding
Although a cowlick does not stipulate baldness, you should know some of the early signs of baldness.
Thinning and sparse hair crown
It’s hard to detect bald spots if it is in the first stage. As a normal thing, our hair is shedding 50-100 strands per day. And most of us take no notice of it. However, if you take a close look, you can see your hair changing. It becomes thinner and less voluminous than before it had.
Visible hair shedding
A normal hair cycle contains three phases, they are anagen, catagen, telogen. Anagen is known as the growing chapter and the longest one when it lasts 3-5 years. Catagen is the transition phase that lasts around 10 days or so. Telogen is the last one, and in this phase, hair strands resting and start falling out.
However, you notice your hair shed excessively, it can be worrisome. When you see many hair strands, over 100 strands, in the pillow or in the drain in the bathroom, the more likely you are going balding. It’s time to fight early baldness.
A high hairline
The most noticeable sign of early balding is a receding hairline. When you see your hairline is formed into the M-shaped pattern, please prepare your psychology. Gradually, you get big bald spots on the head if you don’t treat it timely.

The slower speed of hair growth
You are a hair lover. You notice that your bio hair does not grow as fast as it used to. It may be the first sign of hair balding. If you see your hair falls out and grows back slowly, you should find different ways to treat the hair.
If you want to improve your hair condition or deal with baldness and hair loss, please get the solution from experienced doctors.
Read more:
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How to tell if you have a cowlick
Find out about these topics on many forums and pages, i.g cowlick vs balding Reddit or cowlick or balding female, you can see that the cowlick hair may appear when you were born. It is a normal phenomenon. This hair section goes in a different direction than other parts. It is not completely a sign of baldness.
Sometimes, the hair area with spiral and swirl patterns can reveal the scalp. That’s why many people mistake it for balding. Unlike baldness, this look does not affect the hair surrounding. The hair strands around still grow healthy and no thinning.

In the last words,
Lewigs hopes that our post gives you a brief look at cowlick and baldness. Hopefully, you will know more about the way on how to distinguish cowlick vs balding after reading our writing.
You are suffering from baldness, you want to get nice-looking hair, try wearing hairpieces or wigs. They are a good and cost-summing solution for everyone. At our hair company, we supply different types of human hair products, like toupees, toppers, full lace wigs, etc. We commit to selling real human hair items that range from short to long style, natural black to blonde hair color. As long as you choose the hair texture and color that resembles your bio hair, it will blend seamlessly together. Let’s browse Lewigs’s site for more hair products and details about them. We are looking forward to supporting you.
Do you have any queries about the information covered above or hair-related problems? Please be sure to leave your comments below.