Wigs today are a fashionable item that varies in plenty of textures and styles. You can find a suitable item easily in a local hair store or online. It is also designed to look completely healthy and offer a natural appearance.
When you have a new wig, you can cut and style it as you hope. Find on the Internet to know how to cut a lace front wig. You can cut bangs on a lace front wig, cut it for short hairstyles, or more layers to get the most natural-looking. Now refer to some popular ways on how to cut a lace front wig.
Table of Contents
How To Cut The Lace On A lace Front Wig
“How to cut the lace off a lace front wig?”. Let’s see what we do.
Step 1
Gonna place the frontal on your wig head or you can place it in your head whichever is easier for you to cut. And we use wig head in this guide. Then use some hairpins or pin needles and stick down the wig head. By using hairpins, you hold the wig in place.
Step 2
Take the hair out of the wig head and put it on your head. Why? You can determine how much lace need to be cut off on a lace front wig. Pull the lace front wig a little bit above your hairline. Determine your hairline, and adjust the wig position. Start on one side and get the hair out of the way, don’t cut your sideburns.
Start creating a straight line, cut the lace back to the hairline all the way around the perimeter. Only leave approx 2mm of lace in the front of the hairline.

Step 3
This is the last step on how to cut the lace of a lace front wig. Take the wig out of your head, and put it back the wig head. Get the scissors and continue cutting the lace. Cut off small pieces of the lace is better than cut all of it at once. Be careful as you can ruin your lace wig if you cut away too much lace.
Make sure that the lace on the forehead will be more invisible. Try to pull the frontal wig tight with your fingers while you are cutting the lace.
You also cut and pluck a lace front wig to make it look more realistic. Put the wig on a mannequin head and secure it as you do in the above way. Use a handy pair of tweezers and just do a little bit more customizing in the hairline. Pluck all around the wig, really concentrate in these recessive areas. Then spray the hair with water to keep hair laid down. Customize the baby hair if you want. Finally, cut the lace off the front lace wig.
Check out our top-notch frontal lace wigs:
How To Cut Bangs
What should you do? Put the wig on a mannequin head secure it in place by using hairpins or clips. Secure the pins around the lace line and in front of your ears. If you want extra security, use a pin and position it through the crown of the unit.
Next, section off the hair in the front that you would like to cut. Then put the rest of the hair in a ponytail so that it does not affect the cutting bangs process. Use big clips to keep all the hair out of the way if necessary.
Part the section like a triangle from the middle to your forehead and start trimming the hair. Grab the hair on your hand and cut off the extra length first to make it easier to see.

Split the hair that you create bangs and cut one side first. Cut them straight across when you pull them towards. Once you have done, move to the rest side. During the process, remember that you are brushing the 2 sides back together from time to time to trim up and compare the length as a whole.
After that, use sharp scissors and trim ugly hairs you might have missed in your initial cuts. Check the hair again until it makes you satisfied. You are done! Bear in mind that you should trim a little bit at a time so that you do not accidentally cut off too much. Although it takes a little longer, it could help you avoid disaster.
How To Cut Dead Ends On A Tangled Lace Front Wig
Like your natural locks, the long and thick wigs tend to be more easily get tangled or split ends. This problem occurs in both real human hair wigs and synthetic hair lace front wigs. To prevent the problem, you don’t mind to change the hairstyle, you can cut dead ends to shorten it.
How to properly cut a lace front wig? This is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of dead ends. Separate the hair into small sections. Twist each of section so that it exposes the dead ends of hair wig. Take your sharp scissors and trim off the ugly hair ends. Retwist the section, and continue twisting in the opposite direction to snip off split ends. Repeat the process on the rest of the hair wig.

After trimming the frontal wig, you can style or shorten it into a new look. However, you can only do it a few times as it is fake hair, it will never grow back.
Cut A Synthetic Lace Front Wig
Your synthetic frontal wig starts to be dull after some wearings. Cut the hair to give it a new shape and new look. Refresh it. How to cut the wig? Use a razor cut to trim the hair. If you have no razor cut, fabric scissors can be used for good results.
Jump to:
- What Is A Lace Front Wig? – 101 Things You Need To Know About
- How To Wear A Lace Front Wig? – An Easy Method That Works For All
- Full Lace Wig Vs Lace Front Wig – The Fierce Battle Of Most-Loved Wigs
Are you ready to shorten your frontal? Take the wig and split it into 2 sections. Brush the hair out and drape it over your shoulder. Then start at the top of the wig, take a small layer of the hair. Don’t mix the middle hair section with the front one, because they don’t match together and you can’t get the results as you hope.
Be more careful when cutting the synthetic wig while you are wearing it on your head. If you are untrained, apply it on a wig head is better and more secure.

Our Thoughts
After reading all of the above information about how to cut a lace front wig, Lewigs believes that you can style your own wig by yourself if you do it smart. So, why don’t you try to cut a wig to have a new and natural look?
In case you want to have a perfect human hair lace front wig without doing it yourself, shop at our hair company. We have a wide range of human hair frontal wigs for you to choose from. We also supply all hairpieces such as full lace wigs, closures, toupees for men and toppers…
Do not hesitate to raise your voice if you have any questions or requests. We are accessible via this website or our hotline (+84) 98 261 44 86. Text us on email info@lewigs.com to get more useful advice. Come to Lewigs, you will get the first-rate wig at a cheap price.
Look forward to hearing from you!