Chewing gum is a common habit that is helpful in weight loss, stress reduction, and memory improvement. However, the gum is not nice anymore once it has a chance to stick on anything, especially your hair. To help, here’s how to remove gum from hair without cutting it that you may need.
The chewy texture of gum is from resins and synthetic rubbers. The gum will stretch if you pull it out. To make gum, they also add chemical bonds between each molecule, which make it extremely sticky and hard to be removed from objects, from clothes, shoes, to hair. It can be worse if you have to deal with some commercial chewing gums that are hydrophobic. Because they do not dissolve in water. The fastest way to remove gum in hair is by cutting it. However, this is also the worse solution that you have to say goodbye to your favorite hairstyle. Let’s find out how to remove gum from hair with household products listed below.
Table of Contents
How to remove gum from hair with cooking oils: The easiest and most convenient way

Like chewing gum, cooking oils also have hydrophobic properties. You probably know that oil and water can never be combined as they always separate quickly and easily. It’s the mechanism that cooking oils gently remove chewing gum from hair by breaking down the stickiness. Lewigs recommends you use canola, coconut, or olive oil.
– Apply an appropriate amount of oil to the affected area of hair.
– Rub your hair gently.
– When you feel the oil works, use a comb or your fingers to remove gum in hair.
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How to get gum out of hair with peanut butter
Peanut butter used in your daily breakfast can be your weapon to fight the stickiness of chewing gum. This oily substance is hydrophobic, which is useful in reducing the sticky nature of chewing gum. They will stick to each other instead of your dry hair.
– Use creamy peanut butter to cover the gum area of hair.
– Rub with your fingers and wait for a minute for the peanut butter to work.
– After that, the gum texture will transfer from stick to stiff.
– Gently remove chewing gum from hair.

How to remove gum from your hair with Vinegar
If you are finding a solvent that is the best in breaking down the bond between the chewing gum and your hair, it would be vinegar. This popular remedy can show you how to remove gum from hair with just some simple steps.
– Saturate the gum area with vinegar by dipping your hair in a bowl of vinegar. Else, you can soak vinegar with a soft cloth and gently rub your hair with it. If the gum is thick, you can lightly heat the vinegar before applying to boost the effect.
– Wait until the gum becomes softer, then use a wide-tooth comb to go through your hair.
How to remove chewing gum from hair easily with ice cubes
In case there is not much gum in your hair and you are worried that cooking oil, vinegar, or pea butter may be too messy, you can try ice cubes. The stickiness properties of the gum will be reduced once it is frozen, which enables you to take it off your hair quickly.
– Prepare an ice cube pack and apply it to the gum area until the gum hardens (around 10 minutes).
– Remove chewing gum from hair gently.

How to remove chewing gum from hair with toothpaste
It may be surprising to know toothpaste is helpful in cleaning off the gum in your hair. It can make the gum harder as well as less sticky.
– Dab toothpaste in your hair until it covers all of the gum area (you can use a toothbrush or a cotton pad).
– Wait for a few minutes.
– Then take the gum out of your hair easily.
How to remove bubble gum from hair with Vaseline
Essentially, vaseline is a type of petroleum jelly that people created by mixing mineral oils and natural waxes. Therefore, you can learn how to remove gum from hair with this product. Moreover, vaseline is often added to travel kits. In some circumstances, you will need vaseline to save your trip when the gum attacks your hair.
– Cover the gum area with vaseline.
– Wait for a few minutes, then gently remove the gum.

How to remove gum from hair with Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is a familiar cooking ingredient that you can find easily in the kitchen. It is the fat that makes gum easier to clean off.
– Apply the mayonnaise to the gum area.
– Wait for a few minutes.
– Gently remove the gum.
– Wash your hair with shampoo.
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How to remove frontal glue from hair at home
Many girls feel frustrated and stressed when thinking of the glue on their lace frontal. It is a nightmare if that process causes hair loss or forces you to do hair extension. Let Lewigs send you the best tip to say goodbye to frontal glue without affecting your edges after a glue installation.
– An alcohol-based solution allows you to melt the glue safely. Just dip a towel in alcohol and rub it into your hair. So, the frontal glue will soluble fast.
– Gently lift the lace frontal off your hair.
– Continue with the alcohol solution until there is no trace of glue on your hair.
– Pull the entire wig cap from your hair in a gentle, neat, and patient way.
– Moisturize your hair with a conditioner because alcohol will dry your hair badly.
The outlook
Getting bubble gums or chewing gum stuck to your precious hair can be a nuisance, but not a serious problem. This inconvenience is treatable with some simple home remedies and household products. The above methods can be helpful more than using scissors to cut your hair.
And what should we do after getting the gum out? Shampoo! It will help you maintain healthy hair. Apart from that, it enables you to get the scents or oil out of your hair after the gum debacle. If you are still concerned about your scalp and hair, it is a smart choice to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist.
We hope our methods can solve your sticky situation. And if you know someone who is finding how to remove gum from hair, please share the article with them!